
Clause 2.5.3 of the Electricity Distribution Information Disclosure Determination 2012 requires an electricity distribution business to publicly disclose a description of any change the EDB makes to its customer charter or consumer compensation arrangement. 

Aurora Energy published a revised version of its customer charter and consumer compensation arrangement that was certified on 27 October 2021.

This page describes the changes from that version.

Description of changes

Following internal review and external consultation in November 2023, the Customer Charter has been redrafted to ensure it is concise, easy to engage with, and focuses on core service commitments that reflect what customers want from Aurora Energy.

  • Content related to the following has been removed/scaled back because it is available on Aurora Energy’s website:
    • Medically dependent customers
    • Aurora Energy’s public safety management system
    • Aurora Energy’s public safety guide
    • Access to a consumer’s property
    • Information about service lines, management of vegetation near lines, electricity meters, disconnections/reconnections
    • Preparing for a planned power outage and what to do if your power goes out
    • Making a complaint
  • We have included 13 service commitments related to:
    • Being there when customers need us
    • Keeping customers informed
    • Being future ready
    • Putting safety first
  • We have:
    • Retained the consumer compensation payment related to investigation of power quality complaints
    • Retained, and increased the value of, the consumer compensation payment related to notification of planned power outages
    • Removed the consumer compensation payment related to restoration of electricity service

You can view the consultation pages for our Customer Charter here.