To provide our customers with an electricity service, we often need to collect personal information. Personal information is any information about an individual that allows an individual to be identified. This Privacy Statement sets out what personal information we may collect, and how we may store, use and share it, in accordance with relevant laws, including the Privacy Act 2020 (Act).

What personal information we collect

Aurora Energy respects your right to privacy. We will only collect your personal information when we need that information to carry out our services. This information may include:

  • your name
  • your postal address, phone number and email address
  • information you provide during any application process, including when you apply for a new connection to our network or alteration of an existing one, submit an information request, report a fault, or send an inquiry
  • in relation to suppliers or contractors, contact details and any personal information provided when you commence a business or service relationship with us
  • other information relating to your use of our services

We may store the above information for possible future communications relevant to the purpose of collection.

How we collect your personal information

We may collect personal information from you directly, including:

  • when you first contact us, or request a new power connection
  • when you first commence a business or service relationship with us
  • while providing any of our services to you (or where any of our contractors do so)
  • when you use our website
  • during your interactions and correspondence with us (including when you contact our Customer Support team to make any request, enquiry or complaint to us)
  • through closed circuit TV surveillance devices at our sites
  • while conducting customer satisfaction and market research surveys

To provide you with the service you need, we may also receive your personal information from third parties where you have authorised this, this is permitted by law, or where the information is publicly available. This may include information from:

  • your electricity retailer
  • the Electricity Authority (including to verify your relevant ICP number(s))
  • a contractor or other third party helping us to provide services to you
  • suppliers of services to us

If you have provided us with personal information about another person, you must have that person’s permission to do so.  As part of this you need to comply with your obligations under the Act. For example, you may need to tell that other person that you have done so, that they have a right to access their information and that we will handle their personal information in accordance with this Privacy Statement.

While some information is essential to provide you with a service, we will let you know what information might not be essential, and if there would be any impact on the level of service we provide to you if you choose not to disclose it.

We will use your personal information for appropriate purposes only

We will only use your personal information for purposes connected with our business, or where you have given us permission, or where it is allowed, or required by law.

We may use CCTV footage, if required, for detecting and deterring inappropriate or criminal behaviour at our premises, and monitoring the safety and security of our staff, visitors and property.

We may use your personal information to analyse trends in the use of our network and for statistical purposes such as demographics to help us improve our customer service, manage our network capability and meet our legal obligations. Wherever practical, your information used in this way will be aggregated with that of other customers, so you are not personally identified.

We may share your personal information in certain circumstances

To help us with any of the purposes we have set out in this Privacy Statement, we may provide your personal information to:

  • third parties who help us provide our services
  • any court, tribunal, regulatory authority or governmental agencies where disclosure is required or allowed by law
  • any other person authorised by you

We take reasonable steps to ensure that your personal information is not used by third parties for any other purpose.

Transfer of personal information outside New Zealand

If we need to transfer personal information to third parties who are located outside New Zealand, we will ensure your personal information will be protected by comparable safeguards to those in New Zealand law.  If your personal information will not be protected by comparable safeguards to those in New Zealand law, we will tell you that this is the case, and only transfer your personal information with your consent.

We protect your personal information

We take reasonable steps to ensure that the personal information we collect, use, or disclose is accurate, complete, and up to date.

We may store your personal information on computer databases and/or in hard copy. We take reasonable steps to ensure your personal information is stored securely and protected from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure. This includes storing electronic data on servers located in secure premises, firewall and antivirus protection, data encryption and secure passwords and login process.

Due to the nature of email and the internet, we cannot guarantee your personal information will be completely free from access by an unauthorised person (e.g. a hacker). However, we use reasonable safeguards to minimise the risk of this occurring.

We may store your personal information using a third party service provider (including providers outside New Zealand).

If a privacy breach occurs which has caused or may cause serious harm to you, we will notify you of this as soon as practicable.

You can access the personal information we hold about you

You have the right to access and correct personal information that we hold about you.  To do so, please contact us using the contact details set out in the section below. We may require you to contact your electricity retailer if we received the incorrect personal information from them, to achieve a permanent correction.

In some cases, there may be a charge associated with providing copies of your personal information to you. If so, we will let you know before sending your information to you.

We dispose of your personal information once we no longer need it

We take all reasonable steps to ensure that your personal information is securely destroyed or deleted once it is no longer needed. We may be required by law to retain certain personal information.

Links to third party sites

This Privacy Statement only relates to our website and services. Our website may contain links to other third party sites.  We are not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of other websites.  You should check their privacy polices before providing personal information to them or any other third party.

We may amend this Privacy Statement

We may amend this Privacy Statement at any time. Any amended Privacy Statement will be posted on our website and will be effective from the date that it is posted.

Further information

You can call us on 0800 22 00 05 or email us at [email protected] to:

  • obtain access to the personal information we hold about you in accordance with the Act and this Privacy Statement
  • make a complaint if you believe we have breached your privacy
  • ask for the information we hold about you to be corrected, or removed from our records (if practical)

For further privacy information, please refer to the New Zealand Privacy Commissioner’s website – Office of the Privacy Commissioner | Home.

August 2024