Unplanned power outages can be caused by many things. Our lines and poles can be damaged by trees/branches, lightning, extreme weather, animals/birds or vehicles.

Underground cables can also be affected by things like cable strikes, flooding, and earthquakes. Plus, even with regular inspections and maintenance, some electrical equipment can stop working due to general wear and tear.

Restoring your power supply

Please see below an outline of the different stages and approximate times for restoring power after an unplanned power outage. Bear in mind this is indicative only, as each situation is unique. The times will be longer for more complex repairs and for those in more remote areas of the network, where we need to allow for travel time.

Just know that we’ll always do our best to restore power for you as quickly and safely as possible.

Restoring power after an unplanned outage. Power goes out. Stage 1 Confirm. Aurora Energy is notified of a loss of power. Network controllers confirm the fault. If a reclose is available power is restored in 15 mins. Stage 2 Dispatch. Fault crews assigned and travel to start of faulted section of the network, Stage 3 Investigate. Fault crews patrol the line to identify the cause of outage. The length of repair time is estimated. Stage 4 Configure. Before repairs start, where it makes sense, crews will restore as many customers as possible. This can include back-feeding and generation. Stage 5 Repair. Fault crews establish safe work site. Repairs are undertaken. Stage 6 Restore. Fault crews hand over control of the repaired section of the network to Aurora Energy control room. Customers on temporary generation may see a short outage as power is changed. All impacted customers are restored.

Find out how you can prepare for outages here.