Sometimes a planned power outage is needed when we’re doing maintenance on the electricity network, to keep our contractors, staff and the public safe. Your electricity retailer (who you pay your bill to) will notify you in advance of a planned outage so you can prepare. If the outage is unplanned, rest assured that as soon as we are aware of it, we’ll have a team working to restore power as quickly and safely as possible.
How long the power is out can depend on how quickly the cause of the fault can be identified, and often the line needs to be patrolled to make sure everything is safe before the power is switched on again. Safety is always our number one priority. Here's some advice on what to do before, during and after a power outage.

Before a power outage
How you can prepare for power outages.

During a power outage
What to do during an outage including with your appliances.

After a power outage
Safety tips for when the power comes back on.
Power out?
Please check the list of current and planned outages on the Aurora Energy network.
If you need to report a loss of power or a hazard, please call us 24/7 on 0800 22 00 05.