Media Releases & News

Aurora Energy set to begin drone inspections on main electricity lines between Alexandra and Roxburgh

26 February 2025
Aurora Energy has advised customers they are about to commence an acoustic and drone inspection of the two main electricity lines between Alexandra and Roxburgh.

The inspections will take place over a four-week period from 3-28 March, subject to weather conditions. A total of 899 power poles will be included in the inspection, which will start in Alexandra and move south to Roxburgh. Northpower has been contracted to do the work.

Aurora Energy General Manager Future Network and Operations Matt Settle said that Aurora Energy regularly inspects the electricity network using different inspection and testing methods. “The inspection will use a drone flying along the corridor five to ten metres around the power lines and will capture images of the network. A ground-based acoustic inspection will be carried out at the same time. Both inspections allow us to capture the asset integrity, to minimise customer outages and plan proactive repairs.”

Letters have been sent to customers who have a power line or pole located on their property that will be included in the drone inspections. The camera will remain pointed down at all times, and residents can be assured that the camera will not look at buildings or through windows. All operations are performed in accordance with best practice aviation safety guidelines set out and approved by the New Zealand Civil Aviation Authority.