Community Updates

Your Network, Your News - May 2024

14 May 2024
Our six-monthly community update, Your Network, Your News is inserted into the community newspapers around Otago (‘The Star’ in Dunedin, ‘The News’ in Central Otago, ‘Mountain Scene’ in Queenstown and ‘ Wānaka Sun’ in Wānaka).

Your Network, Your News is full of information about the work we’ve being doing across the network and in our communities. This issue features updates on our major projects, long-term investment plans, our participation in the Future Network Forum, a glimpse into a day in the life of our Service Delivery team, and an insight into electric vehicle use, in this case an electric skateboard.

Large infrastructure projects can take time to deliver, and we hope you enjoy the updates as they progress. If you would like to keep up to date digitally, email:  [email protected] to receive a copy of our community updates.

Check it out here