We consider access to information a key component of effective participation and engagement with all stakeholders. Aurora Energy recognises that there is a positive correlation between effective and responsive stakeholder engagement and the high performance of its business.
From time to time, we receive requests for additional information not included in our regulatory disclosures or on this website. If the information you need is not available on this website, you can make an information request. We set out our approach for responding to requests for other information in our public Information Disclosure Policy.
For the purposes of this Policy, information is defined as printed or electronic materials that provide knowledge about Aurora Energy’s activities.
Information Disclosure Policy
Our Information Disclosure Policy is based on the following four principles:
- Principle 1: Commitment to transparency
- Principle 2: Simple and broad access to information
- Principle 3: Explanations of decisions and right to review
- Principle 4: Consistency with Customer and Stakeholder Charter commitments
As an Energy Company under the Local Government Act 2002, Aurora Energy is exempt from the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (LGOIMA).
However, as a regulated monopoly providing an essential infrastructure service, Aurora Energy is required to make a range of public information disclosures that cover in detail the company’s financial performance and associated levels of services delivered to customers (compliance statement), our long-term investment plans, and details of the health and condition of network assets, pricing schedules and methodologies applied to network services.
The regulated disclosure requirements are designed to give all interested parties, including electricity customers, confidence that our pricing is fair, quality standards are being met and to ensure that our network planning is transparent. All published disclosures are available on our website.
Submitting and processing information requests
Make sure that your request includes your name, your postal or email address and specific details of the information you want.
You can make a request:
- Online
- By email to [email protected]
- By post to: Information requests, Aurora Energy, PO Box 5140, Dunedin 9054
- By phone on 0800 22 00 05.
We will aim to acknowledge requests for information within 2 working days, and respond within 20 working days. Where the timeframe for response cannot be met, Aurora Energy will communicate this to the requester, and will provide an expected timeframe for response.
We will make information available to requesters in accordance with principles set out in our Information Disclosure Policy, unless there are valid reasons for withholding information (see Withholding information below).
If the information is already publicly available, we will refer the requester to the public source.
The format of any response will depend on the type of information requested. For example, an appropriate response might be to provide a document, invite the requester to view the information in person, and/or provide an excerpt or summary of the information.
While Aurora Energy is committed to have an open and transparent disclosure system in place, there are legal, operational and practical considerations that are necessary to preserve the organisation’s interests, as well as those of its staff, various partners and the public at large.
We may withhold information for specific reasons. If we do, we will explain the reason why. The types of information which normally would not be disclosed and some reasons why information may be withheld are summarised in our Information Disclosure Policy.
Should a requester be dissatisfied with a decision to withhold information, made by Aurora Energy, the requester can seek review of the decision by the Board of Aurora Energy. See How to request information from us for contact details.
Where information requests are of a wide ranging nature, very large and/or complex, we may consider:
- Consulting / meeting with the requester to amend or clarify the request to make the request more specific, or
- Charging for collating the information requested
- In considering charging for collation of information, Aurora Energy will apply the charges in accordance with the Dunedin City Council’s Charging for LGOIMA Requests Policy dated 25 June 2019
- Dunedin City Council LGOIMA Charging Policy
Information requests
We will publish the number of information requests and responses processed since the introduction of the Information Disclosure Policy in June 2018 on a regular basis here.
Period | Number of requests received | Number of responses provided | Declined for reason given in policy | Other* |
Quarter ended Dec 2024 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
Year ended June 2024 |
3 | 3 | 0 | 0 |
Year ended June 2023 |
7 | 6 | 1 | 0 |
Year ended June 2022 | 5 | 5 | 0 | 0 |
Year ended June 2021 | 12 | 14 | 1 | 1 |
Year ended June 2020 | 11 | 10 | 0 | 0 |
Year ended June 2019 | 10 | 10 | 0 | 0 |
June 2018 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
*The Other category includes requests still in progress, requests withdrawn by the requester, requests for service rather than information and requests transferred to other agencies.
Review of the Information Disclosure Policy
The Information Disclosure Policy was reviewed in July 2019 after its first year of operation, the year ending 30 June 2019. The review found that the policy had been consistently applied during the year. A total of eight requests were received and eight responses were provided and a log of the requests was recorded publicly on the Aurora Energy website.
All information requests processed by Aurora Energy directly during the period were acknowledged and responded to in the designated response time as stipulated in the policy. All shareholder correspondence was directed through Dunedin City Holdings as stipulated by the Dunedin City Council and Dunedin City Holdings protocol for Dunedin City Holdings-owned companies. In responding to requests, no information had been withheld, except for the response to one request, where information was withheld to maintain the privacy of individuals.
The annual performance report for the period 1 July 2018 to 30 June 2019 including number of requests received, responses provided and declined is available on this web page under “Information Requests”.
Following review, the Board approved minor amendments to the Policy, specifically to include the protocol for handling shareholder Information Requests and to change from annual to bi-annual reviews (every two years).