Find out where our electricity and communications cables are. Even if there are overhead lines in the area there could also be underground cables. 

Check before you dig - follow these steps

Excavating near power poles

  • Do not dig within five metres of one of our power poles without a close approach approval 
  • Digging is anything that disturbs or penetrates the ground including shovels, excavators, hammer drills, directional drillers and hydro excavators 
  • Excavations within five metres could cause the pole to collapse. We will provide guidance and, in some instances, on-site advice 

Follow WorkSafe's Guidelines

Follow WorkSafe's Guide for Safety with Underground Services.

Close approach approval

We will advise you if you need a close approach approval, mark-out or on-site advice. You must obtain a close approach approval for all excavations within five metres of a power pole

Close approach approval

Check before you dig - It could save your life

Always check for electricity cables and other services before you dig. Watch this important safety messaging from the Safe Digging Month campaign.

Trigger warning: Please note, the content in this video could be distressing for some people.

Don't play around with your safety – Know what's below

Watch this important safety message from beforeUdig in the video below. It's mainly for contractors and people who often work around underground power cables. But it also has helpful tips for anyone doing excavation work, even DIY projects at home.

Trigger warning: Please note, the content in this video could be distressing for some people.