Our electricity network is built to withstand bad weather as much as possible but there will always be events outside our control. Lightning during storms, vegetation interfering with the power lines during strong winds, and icy roads increasing the risk of vehicles slipping and colliding with power poles and pillar boxes, are all hazards that increase over the colder months. 

We're committed to ensuring our customers and communities are well-prepared for the challenges the cold weather brings and are reminded of the importance of staying safe around electricity.

Our winter safety messaging aims to raise awareness and provide advice on topics like being prepared for power outages, staying safe in strong winds, keeping trees clear of power lines, being prepared for hazardous road conditions, and knowing what to do if a vehicle hits a power pole. We also provide advice on how to be smarter with free power deals and avoid overloading, as well as tips on keeping power bills down in the colder months. Check out our winter safety advice below.

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Be prepared for power outages

It’s important to have a plan, especially if you rely on electricity for medical reasons or your business.

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Stay safe in high winds

If it’s windy, secure large objects like trampolines and outdoor furniture so they don’t get picked up by the wind and make contact with power lines.

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Drive safely

Keep up-to-date with weather warnings and drive to the conditions. Icy roads increase the risk of vehicles slipping and colliding with power poles and pillar boxes.

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Keep trees clear of power lines

You're responsible for maintaining the trees on your property so they are clear of power lines. We’ve got plenty of information on our website including for safe distances and approved arborists.


Don't overload appliances

Some electricity retailers offer free power deals but be aware there is a maximum appliance load for your home. Check the signs you might be overloading and find out how to be smarter with free power deals.

Photo of an older man reaching up to change a lightbulb.

Check our energy saving tips

We’ve put together some tips for you to keep your power bill down in the cooler months.

Photo of darkened room, there is a grey cat peering above a wooden table, only its face is visible, on the table is a single white candlestick that has been lit.

Stay safe during power outages

Follow these simple tips on how to stay safe in a power outage.

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Frost fighting safety advice

Check out our advice on how to stay safe when frost fighting.

Be switched on to safety