Did you know that you own and are responsible for checking and maintaining the low voltage power lines, poles and other assets supplying electricity to your house and any other buildings within your property boundary? This includes any overhead or underground power lines, not just the wiring inside a building.
This is similar to property owners being responsible for maintaining other utilities on their property such as the water supply and wastewater.
We are aware many property owners may not realise they are legally responsible for the safety and maintenance of power poles and lines inside private property boundaries. These are called customer service lines. Property owners are also responsible for keeping trees trimmed near the poles and lines.

Aurora Energy inspections of customer service lines
Aurora Energy has commenced a project to inspect and repair known customer service lines built before 1 Oct 1984, to make sure they are safe.

Who owns which power poles and lines?
Aurora Energy owns the network power poles and lines that usually run down the side of the road. In general, the property owner becomes responsible for the customer service line at the point it crosses the boundary.

Maintaining your customer service lines
We recommend property owners get their customer service lines inspected every five years to make sure they are safe.

Electricity point of supply
The definition of a Point of Supply as described in Excerpt, Section 2(3) of the Electricity Act 1992 (Definition of Point of Supply)